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Step 1 – See How ecoGlaze Works
ecoGlaze is suited for timber windows and doors as well as Commercial Grade Aluminium Windows.
Aluminium Sliding Windows? If you have residential aluminium sliding windows, ecoGlaze is not suitable. However, we are currently developing a glazing system for residential aluminium sliding windows.
If you wish to keep up to date with how that is progressing, please subscribe to our ecoBites newsletter. (ecoBiters gets first dibs on everything we do).
ecoGlaze works by adding components to the inside of your existing timber windows and doors.
There are three types of ecoGlaze to suit the different ways that your windows open.

ecoGlaze Fixed for
- Fixed, Non-operable windows or doors

ecoGlaze In Sash for
- Double hung or Sash windows;
- Sliding windows or doors
Watch how components are added to an existing window. Learn More ⮞
The window featured in this video shows how ecoGlaze Fixed is installed. The other ecoGlaze variants work in very similar ways, but there will be slight variations.
Step 2 – Get a Price
As a rough guide, ecoGlaze will cost about ⅓ of the price of replacement double glazing (not including the time or cost involved in researching all the options, getting quotes, managing trades, disposal of windows, repairing walls and redecorating.) The easy way is to add components to your existing windows and avoid all the hassle of replacement double glazing. There are 2 ways to have ecoGlaze installed in your home:
Professional Installation
If you just want your ecoGlaze installation to proceed without having to be “hands-on” in the process, then Professional Installation would be the right option for you. Sit back, relax and let the professionals do it for you. A qualified installer will give you a price estimate based on your window description and rough measurements over the phone or via email. If you are happy with that estimate, the professional installer will visit your home to measure up and provide a fixed price quote. Learn More ⮞
If you would like to save even more with your ecoGlaze installation, have the time, and are prepared to roll-up your sleeves, then the DIY ecoGlaze option might work for you. We provide step-by-step video instructions on how to install ecoGlaze on your windows. Learn More ⮞
Step 3 – Get Started
If you are happy to proceed on the basis of pricing estimates and you have decided whether you want to go with a professional installer or DIY, then:
For Professional Installation: Contact us to be referred to a professional installer in your area.
Professional installation of ecoGlaze is currently available in Victoria and Canberra .
For Do-It-Yourself (DIY): If you have a reasonable quality saw, basic DIY skills and can follow a video tutorial, then DIY ecoGlaze might be for you.